maandag 31 maart 2014

Forza Fiat 500.

Stiamo andando a conquistare il mondo
 insieme !!!

Together we are going to take over the world  !!!

zondag 30 maart 2014

This picture gave me a great idea to turn it into an office outfit.
I'm gonna wear a white shirt, green cardigan, beige skirt, natural panty's and brown boots.
Matching accessories and I'm ready to go.

Off to Antwerp for my exam First Aid.

A quick cup of coffee because I need to catch the bus of 6.20am to Vilvoorde and then the train to Antwerp.
Today I'm having my exam First Aid, but before a stop at Starbucks for a large coffee, maybe it brings good luck and I hope afterwards one to celebrate the good result.

Mother's day lunch.

Today it's mother's day and on the menu we had a classic.
Irisch rib-eye steak with pepper sauce, salad and croquettes.
A simple classic, ready in a wink, but oohh so good on a special day like this.
To all the mom's, have a nice mother's day !!!

woensdag 26 maart 2014

Visit of Barak Obama to Belgium - Bezoek Barak Obama aan België.

My parents and grandparents were happy when the Americans arrived to help out our country during the war.
Today I feel honored with the visit of the American president Barak Obama.
He went to visit an American cemetery where American soldiers are buried. 
We owe them a great deal, lot's of them lost their lives in our Flanders fields.
Where would we be now without them ...

Mijn ouders en grootouders waren destijds blij met de aankomst van de Amerikanen om ons land te helpen tijdens de oorlog.
Vandaag voel ik mij vereerd met het bezoek van de president van Amerika, Barak Obama.
Hij bracht onder andere een bezoek aan een kerkhof met Amerikaanse oorlogsslachtoffers.
Wij hebben veel aan hen te danken, vele verloren hun leven in onze Vlaamse velden.
Waar zouden we nu zijn zonder hun ...

dinsdag 25 maart 2014

If you like to be dressed in pink.

If you like to be dressed in pink here a tip on how to do it in style.
A grey dress with a pink belt, a pink handbag and a pink coat.
Grey shoes are a hint to the grey dress.
If you think that a pink coat is over the top, you can do like I did, combined it with a pink cardigan. 
I went for a white blouse, grey dress, grey boots and black panty's.
The pink touches where my cardigan, belt and accessories. 

A designer purse.

I'm off to Antwerp for a First Aid training.

Today I'm off to Antwerp to start the second part of my First Aid training.
Although I need to get out of bed very early, I don't really care because when I arrive with the train in Antwerp I make a first stop at Starbucks for a good coffee.
And because the training is in the city of Antwerp, we go in style.

Don't bother trying ...

Diamonds on the floor ...

Sometimes ...

It's not about ...

Brunettes ...

I never look back.

Visschoteltje met prei en rijst - Fish with leek and rice.

Hier mijn versie van een visschoteltje met een Franse toets.
Snel, makkelijk en boordevol smaak.
Aan de vis heb ik eerlijk gezegd niets gedaan, een beetje peper en zout op en zo de ovenschotel in.
De prei heb ik aangestoofd in een klontje boter, gekruid met peper, zout en een Franse kruidenmengeling van Oil & Vinegar.
Alles over de vis en dit een 15 minuutjes de oven in.
Het bord op en als fantasie de rijst in een klein potje gedaan.
Alles klaar in een oogwenk.
In de week of in het weekend, dit gerechtje smaakt altijd.

Here my version of a fish dish with a French touch.
Quick, easy and lots of flavor.
To prepare the fish I had not a lot of work, just seasoning with pepper and salt and then I put it in an oven tray.
The leek I prepared in a bit of butter and seasoned it with pepper, salt and a special French herb mix from Oil & Vinegar.
I poured everything over the fish and put in in a hot oven for 15 minutes.
On to a plate and as a little fantasy I put the rice in a little pot.
It was ready in a snap.
During the week or in the weekend, a dish for every day. 

Before the invention of the internet ...

Don't judge me ...

Krans met skelet blad - Wearth with sceleton leave.

A very simple but decorative wreath with skeleton leave.

Een simpele maar decoratieve krans met skelet blad.

donderdag 20 maart 2014

My yellow and green Pandora bracelet.

Here my yellow and green bracelet.
A little explanation:
The bag of money … everybody likes money.
The little heart … why not.
The handbag … I never leave without it.
The camera … I like taking pictures.
The pick nick basket … I love to eat everything that’s in it.
The Pandora charm … I love Pandora.
The cup … I like a cup of coffee or tea.
The bow … I like bow’s because most of the time they are around a present.
The horseshoe … Because it brings luck.
The clover … A lucky charm straight out of nature.
The alarm clock … because I’m always on time.

woensdag 19 maart 2014

Easter 2014

 Easter arrived in our home.
Site back for a few moments and enjoy.
Mind the cake tins, you may see them back later this season in a different setting.

Straight from the garden...

They are coming straight out of the garden, filling our living room with a delicious smell. 
Hyacinth and Narcissus, I just love the, they announce the spring in the garden and in our lives.